Pierre-Alain Jayet



Tel : +33 (0)1 89 10 10 03



UMR Paris-Saclay Applied Economics
22 place de l’Agronomie
CS 20040
91 123 Palaiseau Cedex

Research fields

Public economics, regulation of agricultural sector, agri-environmental policy, climate change, theory of incentives, Common Agricultural Policy, agricultural supply modeling, mathematical programming.

Un séminaire est donné dans le cadre du Master EDDEE. Quelques notes associées aux thèmes présentés viennent progressivement enrichir un fichier (séminaire Master P.–A. Jayet, 6,2 Mo, format .pdf) mis à jour régulièrement. Il convient de remarquer qu’il s’agit d’un embryon de document comportant encore de nombreuses erreurs et imperfections, et des sections non renseignées.

Une présentation illustrée de quelques résultats obtenus sur le thème des émissions de gaz à effet de serre d’origine agricole est également disponible (complément séminaire effet de serre..., 1,6 Mo au format pdf)

List of publications with abstracts, URL or full text generated by "Hal-Inrae" (bibliographic database which lists the publications of INRAE researchers)


Selected publications


Ollier, M.; Jayet, P.A.; Humblot, P.
 An assessment of the distributional impacts of autonomous adaptation to climate change from European agriculture
in : Ecological Economics, (2024), vol. 222.  art. 108221
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Gérard, M.; Jayet, P.A.
European farmers’ response to crop residue prices and implications for bioenergy policies
in : Energy Policy, (2023), vol. 177. art. 113561
More information

Lungarska, A.; Brunelle, T.; Chakir, R.; Jayet, P.A.; Prudhomme, R.; De Cara, S.; Bureau, J.C
Halving mineral nitrogen use in European agriculture: Insights from multi-scale land-use models
in : Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, (2023), vol. 45, n° 3. pp. 1529-1550.
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Devaraju, N.; Prudhomme, R.; Lungarska, A.; Wang, X.; Yin, Z.; de Noblet-Decoudré, N.; Chakir, R.; Jayet, P.-A.; Brunelle, T.; Viovy, N.; de Palma, A.; Gonzalez, R.; Ciais, P.
How reducing synthetic nitrogen in Europe affects ecosystem carbon and biodiversity: two perspectives of the same policy
Working paper, (2022), 33 p.
More information

Devaraju, N.; Prudhomme, R.; Lungarska, A.; Wang, X.; Yin, Z.; de Noblet‑Ducoudré, N.; Chakir, R.; Jayet, P.A.; Brunelle, T.; Viovy, N.; De Palma, A.; Gonzalez, R.; Ciais, P.
Quantifying the benefits of reducing synthetic nitrogen application policy on ecosystem carbon sequestration and biodiversity
in : Scientific Reports, (2022), vol. 12, n° 1. 15 p.
More information

Lungarska, A.; Brunelle, T.; Chakir, R.; Jayet, P.-A.; Prudhomme, R.; De Cara, S.; Bureau, J.-C.
Halving mineral nitrogen use in European agriculture: insights from multi-scale land-use models
Working paper, (2022), 30 p.
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Prudhomme, R.; Chakir, R.; Lungarska, A.; Brunelle, T.; Devaraju, N.; de Noblet, N.; Jayet, P.A.; De Cara, S.; Bureau , J.C.
Food, climate and biodiversity: A trilemma of mineral nitrogen use in European agriculture
To be published in : Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (2022). 29 p.
More information



Bamière, L.; Jayet, P.A.; Kahindo, S.; Martin, E.
Carbon sequestration in French agricultural soils: A spatial economic evaluation
in : Agricultural Economics, (2021) vol.52, n° 2. pp. 301-316.
More information

Barberis, D.; Chiadmi, I.; Humblot, P.; Jayet, P.A.; Lungarska, A.; Ollier, M.
Climate Change and Irrigation Water: Should the North/South Hierarchy of Impacts on Agricultural Systems Be Reconsidered?
in : Environmental Modeling & Assessment, (2021), vol. 26. pp. 13-36.
More information

Isbasoiu, A.; Jayet, P.A.; De Cara, S.
Increasing food production and mitigating agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union: impacts of carbon pricing and calorie production targeting
in : Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, (2021), vol. 23. pp. 409-440.
More information



Barberis, D.; Chiadmi, I.; Humblot, P.;Jayet, P.A.; Lungarska, A.; Ollier, M.
Climate Change and Irrigation Water: Should the North/South Hierarchy of Impacts on Agricultural Systems Be Reconsidered?
in : Environmental Modeling & Assessment, (2020).
More information

Ben Fradj, N; Jayet, P.A.; Rozakis, S.; Georganta, E.; Jedrejek, A.
Contribution of agricultural systems to the bioeconomy in Poland: Integration of willow in the context of a stylised CAP diversification
in : Land Use Policy, (2020), vol. 99. 24 p.
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El Akkari, M.; Ferchaud, F.; Strullu, L.; Shield, I.; Perrin, A.; Drouet, J.L.; Jayet, P.A.; Gabrielle, B.
Using a Crop Model to Benchmark Miscanthus and Switchgrass
in : Energies, (2020), vol. 13, n°15, art. 3942. 22 p.
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Jayet, P.A.; Isbasoiu, A.; De Cara, S.
Slaughter cattle to secure food calories and reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions? Some prospective estimates for France
in : Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (2020). 24 p.
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Isbasoiu, A. (sous la dir. de P.A. Jayet)
Multidimensional Analysis of Environmental Public Policies in the European Union
Analyse multicritère des politiques publiques environnementales dans l'Union Européenne
Université Paris-Saclay : Saclay, 2019. Thèse en sciences économiques, Ecole doctorale n° 581 Abies. 228 p.
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Mosnier, C.; Britz, W.; Julliere, T.; De Cara, S.; Jayet, P.-A.; Havlík, P.; Frank, S.; Mosnier, A.
Greenhouse gas abatement strategies and costs in French dairy production
in : Journal of Cleaner Production, (2019), vol. 236, art. UNSP 117589.
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Ben Fradj, N.; Jayet, P.A.
Optimal management of perennial energy crops by farming systems in France: A supply-side economic analysis
Gestion optimale de cultures pérennes énergétiques par les exploitations agricoles en France: une analyse économique de l'offre
in : Biomass and Bioenergy, (2018), vol. 116. pp. 113-121.
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Bounaffaa, M. ; Florio, A. ; Le Roux, X. ; Jayet, P.-A.
Economic and environmental analysis of maize inoculation by plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in the french Rhône-Alpes region
Analyse des conséquences économiques et environnementales de l'inoculation du maïs par une rhizobactérie en région Rhône-Alpes
in : Ecological Economics, (2018), vol. 146. pp. 334-346.
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Bourgeois, C. ; Jayet, P.-A.; Habets, F.; Viennot, P.
Estimating the marginal social value of agriculturally-driven nitrate concentrations in an aquifer: a combined theoretical-applied approach
in : Water Economics and Policy, (2018), vol. 4, n° 1.
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De Cara, S. ; Henry, L. ; Jayet, P.-A.
Optimal coverage of an emission tax in the presence of monitoring, reporting, and verification costs
Couverture optimale d'une taxe sur les émissions en présence de coûts de MRV
in : Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, (2018), vol. 89. pp. 71-93.
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Jayet, P.A.;Barberis, D.; Humblot, P.; Lungarska, A.
Spatialisation de la demande en eau d’irrigation estimée par un modèle bioéconomique
Spatializing the results of a bioeconomic model on water demand for irrigation needs
in : Revue Internationale de Géomatique, (2018), vol. 28, n° 4. pp. 485-503.
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Lungarska, A.; Jayet, P.A.
Impact of spatial differentiation of nitrogen taxes on French farms' compliance costs
in : Environmental and Resource Economics, (2018). vol. 69, n°1. pp. 1- 21.
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Modification date: 13 June 2024 | Publication date: 13 April 2010 | By: Olivier Cauchy