
Links and presentation of projects involving the PSAE Unit

Current Projects


« Alimentation-Indicateurs-Données-Arbitrages »

The "AIDA" consortium of the SYALSA Meta-Program wishes to build a multidisciplinary community with expertise in databases of food product characteristics. In order to accompany consumers towards a food of better nutritional quality and more respectful of the environment, the objectives of the project are (i) to build a multidisciplinary vision of the existing databases and indicators available to characterize the food offer; (ii) to identify new tools and the interoperability to be built between the databases and their multiple indicators (technological, nutritional, environmental, economic, sensory. ...) to enable multi-criteria analyses to characterize food products and identify the diet of individuals and (iii) to consider the development of projects using these tools and databases to study the diets of individuals and the choices of consumers.



BATModel aims to create better cross-border agricultural trade models than has been the case so far, thus helping decision-makers to achieve better multilateral and regional agreements. “Next generation” trade agreements are not limited to changes in tariffs and tariff quotas and include elements such as growing consumer concerns about food quality and safety, or the enforceability of labor market considerations. This project aims to address the shortcomings of current modeling tools. The models so far can basically be divided into two groups: one uses a theoretical approach, while the other uses a data-based approach. By combining the results of these two trends, new types of models can be created that will lead to more efficient trade agreements, both at EU level and at the level of individual countries and even companies and will provide greater security and predictability for cooperating parties.



Study of the socio-economic and behavioural determinants of health states of the French population using an elicitation module of individual preferences in the Constances cohort

This project examine how individual preferences and socioeconomic indicators (SEP and economic insecurity) jointly determine individual choices of health-related behaviors in terms of primary prevention (e.g. over-eating, poor diets, lack of physical activity, smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use, sleep deprivation) and of secondary prevention (in particular for breast and cervical cancer screening) and of decisions related to pollution exposure and residential area.



The BLUEGEM project, funded by the Belmont Forum, aims to explore the evolution of climate, soils, groundwater, and irrigation during the Anthropocene (1900-2100) to better understand their interactions, predict their potential changes and identify their social consequences. This will, among other things, provide improved projections of global and regional climate, water resources, biosphere and soil carbon reservoirs.



Coordination d'Expérimentations Locales pour la Transition Energétique - 2019-2022

Funded by ADEME, the objective of the project is to analyze how policies to support "green" innovation should take into account the learning effects (lower costs and usage) between projects within local and international ecosystems. It will also define modalities to encourage private financing to take over from public financing.


Chair Energy and Prosperity

The Energy and Prosperity Chair was created in 2015 to inform decisions of public and private actors in managing the energy transition. The Chair research deals with the impacts of energy transition on national economies (growth, employment, debt...), on specific sectors (transportation, construction, energy , finance), on acces to energy and with the associated financing issues. Hosted by the Risk Foundation, the chair has the support of ADEME, the Caisse des Dépôts, Engie and the Groupe Renault.



Interdisciplinary Research Collective on Changes in Food Behavior (coord. Nicolas Darcel and Aurélie Maurice)

The objective of CIRCCA is to federate scientists from different laboratories and disciplinary fields (including sociology, behavioral economics, nutritional physiology, behavioral neurosciences, psychology, educational sciences, cognitive sciences) in order to conduct methodological reflections on the evaluation of the impact of educational actions aimed at orienting consumers towards a healthier and more sustainable diet. Its activities include: interdisciplinary research; the creation of thematic working groups on the development of new evaluation methods; the organization of an annual study day; and the writing of a collective work.


CLand is an institute established in 2017 and funded by the French government. Its mission is to carry out research over the next decade to urgently address the need for land management solutions that can support the ecological and energy transitions of the 21st century. CLand is committed to developing innovative research that spans multiple disciplines and involves leading research teams in the Paris region. This research includes modeling climate change, food and fiber production, biodiversity dynamics, ecosystem functioning, and socio-economic factors related to land use. In addition to models, data syntheses will be used to understand key feedbacks and assess risks and sustainable options for managing land ecosystems. CLand is dedicated to supporting the work of 200 researchers across 12 teams and will develop a graduate program across Master and Doctoral schools at the University of Paris Saclay, in partnership with European and international institutes.



CLImate Neutral ORGanic farming

This project aims at exploring to what extent organic farming expansion in Europe, combined with changes in food and feed consumption, may affect land use worldwide and related GHG emission. The project is based upon the combination of two models simulating respectively biomass, nitrogen and carbon flows within organic systems (GOANIM model), and agricultural products resource-utilisation balances, international trade and land-use change (GlobAgri model). Both models will simulate a set of scenarios combining alternative assumptions on organic farming development (rate of expansion and type of farming), changes in feed rations (from current to low opportunity cost feed) and changes in food diets (from current to vegetarian and vegan diets).


FAST - Facilitate public Action to exit from peSTicides

The FAST project aims at providing sound theory and empirical evidence of the effectiveness of a variety of public actions for triggering a large-scale transition to pesticide-free agriculture and assessing the socio-economic consequences of such a radical change.
The general objective of our project is to propose concrete solutions (political and organizational), directly usable by the public decision-makers and stakeholders more broadly, whose efficiency will have been evaluated by the most advanced techniques, which include lab and field experiments, research-action approaches, and the use of large-scale simulation models.


H2020 STOP

Science and Technology in childhood Obesity Policy - 2018-2022

A collaboration of 31 research organizations, advocacy organizations, and government agencies from 16 countries launched Europe's largest research project on combating childhood obesity on June 5, 2018, at a cost of €9.95 million. The project will end in December 2022.

The STOP (Science and Technology in childhood Obesity Policy) project examines potential opportunities for interventions to help reduce the high burden of childhood obesity in Europe. This includes improving our understanding of how the environment in which we live shapes children's behaviors and parents' choices, beginning at birth. The project is analyzing early signs of biological changes due to these behaviors, eventually leading to obesity, in 17 cohorts of children across Europe. The project also aims to hold the food industry and other commercial actors accountable for what children consume and to encourage them to produce innovative solutions to improve children's health through a competition that will result in the allocation of funds to bring the most promising innovations to market. Among other policies, the project will evaluate the possibility for European governments to use levers such as taxes, nutrition labels and marketing restrictions on food and beverages to combat childhood obesity.



Land Management for Sustainability

LAMASUS is a European project funded by European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101060423. Its objective is to model land use and management which draws on decades of experience in policy support, unique modeling tools such as GLOBIOM, CAPRI, MAGNET and CLUE, and novel approaches such as machine learning and citizen science. The project has four key elements: dynamic monitoring of land use and related policies, state-of-the-art econometric and biophysical models, a highly-integrated policy modeling framework, and a multi-level stakeholder dialogue for co-design of climate policies. LAMASUS aims to create societal engagement and serve as an exemplar for other policy processes within the European Green Deal.



The Road4Schemes project is taking place within the framework of EJP Soil, which started in November 2021.

Carbon farming has gained prominence as a mitigation option to reach targets set in the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal. To achieve this, integrating research into policy design and implementation, ensuring mutual benefits for stakeholders, soils and society is helpful. Road4Schemes will (1) assess the strengths and weaknesses of existing and planned schemes for carbon farming and additional Ecosystem Service (ESS) payments, including respective tools for monitoring, reporting and verification; (2) assess stakeholders’ perceptions and preferences with respect to strategies for scheme design and policy drivers and barriers; and (3) deliver a roadmap for developing and implementing contextually sensitive result-based schemes for carbon farming and additional ESS payments.



The SEMEUR will firstly develop a methodology for assessing the demand for ecosystem services in an urban area. On the other hand, it will develop a methodology for assessing the capacity of transport infrastructure to respond in part to these demands and to contribute to the ecological restoration of urban forests and the greening of the city.
The SEMEUR project will test this innovative approach in the municipality of Saint-Fons, which is part of the Métropole de Lyon. Saint-Fons is one of the municipalities with the most deficits in the Métropole de Lyon in terms of number of trees; it is therefore a territory deemed to be a priority for revegetation operations and the deployment of the Canopy Plan of the Métropole de Lyon.



High-throughput screening tools for a reinforced chemical safety surveillance of food

Taking the monitoring of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in meat as a model, the objective of SENTINEL is to develop a panel of three complementary tools that are high throughput, sensitive and low cost to reinforce the detection of non-conformities and allow for infra-LM (Maximum Limit) monitoring of these contaminants. With the aim of better controlling the exposure of consumers to the main chemical hazards in food, the use of these tools would increase the effectiveness and scope of regulatory controls (top-down approach) while giving manufacturers the means to increase the possibilities of self-control (bottom-up approach). The multidisciplinary project involves 11 partners (INRAE and French research centers).


This project, looks at a large-scale sugar-sweetened beverage taxation policy from its emergence to its effects. It offers the opportunity to document in real conditions several facets of the taxation of sweetened beverages implemented in 2018. The results could thus contribute to inform the management of the system and, if necessary, suggest adjustments. Given the innovative nature of this tax, the research findings will also be of great interest for the advancement of knowledge at the European and international levels.


STIMUL - Scenarios Towards Integrating Multi-scale Land-use tools

Land use and climate change issues are at the intersection of research carried out by teams in the BASC LabEx. BASC teams have developed a range of economic and biophysical models to analyze the factors driving land use change and assess their ecological, agricultural, climatic and economic impacts. These models differ in their methodologies, scale of interest and resolution, but they are very complementary and could provide the LabEx with a unique capacity to analyze policies that influence land use.



The ecological and agri-food transition through the lens of SHS (coord. Lise Cornilleau and Romain Melot)

The imperative of adapting to climate change, the challenges of relocating food systems, the rise of corporate social responsibility in environmental matters, the increased role of the environment in international negotiations, etc., make the theme of transition a central issue in public policies, in the strategies of economic actors, and in knowledge production today. Agriculture and food occupy a central place, as they are described by experts on climate change and other global changes (erosion of biodiversity, etc.) as a key sector for responding to these challenges. If transition has given rise to a dedicated field (transition studies), this issue is also addressed by several sub-fields of social and human sciences that the seminar cycle aims to bring into dialogue with each other and with transition studies: sociology of public action and international relations, environmental history, Science & Technology Studies (STS), etc.



Local and international valorization of Mediterranean agri-food products through quality certifications . The case of Dates sector

The objective of the project is to evaluate the difficulties of structure and organization of the date sector in the southern partner countries of the project and the ways of development of the sector both in the framework of domestic and export markets. The project intends to evaluate the role that quality signs such as Organic Agriculture and Geographical Indication can play in the development of the sector.
This project responds to the call for projects "ARIMNET 2 young researchers", 2018-2022. It is coordinated by Mohamed AIT HOU, (Morocco) and Abdelhakim Hammoudi (PSAE). Partner countries: France, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia.



 Earlier projects

Diet+, project ANR

The Diet+ project proposes to analyse diets in France, by focusing on the relationships between the market mechanisms and the overall quality of diet.
Quality includes the quality of the consumption, the possible improvements in the foods quality, the quality of the environment, the land use, and the possible improvements in public health.


FoodSecure, programme européen (FP7, Grant Agreement n°290693)



Quality standards and organization in the agri-food sector in developing countries. Application to Sub-Saharan Africa



North/South co-regulation of food safety, organization of food chains and competition
Within the framework of the European call for tender ARIMNET (Era-Net méditerranée)


Susfans, European Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security, projet européen

The objectives of  SUSFANS are «to build the conceptual framework, the evidence base and analytical tools for underpinning EU-wide food policies with respect to their impact on consumer diets and their implications for nutrition and public health in the EU, the environment, the competitiveness of the EU agri-food sectors, and global food and nutrition security».

TRUSTEE, Towards RUral Synergies and Trade-offs between Economic development and Ecosystem services (FP7)

The aim is to understand the complex relationships between economic development, land use and ecosystem services in rural areas at different spatial scales.



Quality standards and valorization of agro-food products: public intervention and strategy of the actors

The project aims to develop, through a multidisciplinary approach (industrial economics, operational research, quantitative methods, industrial engineering, economics of consumption) an analysis of the date sector in Algeria and the avenues of public intervention to improve the functioning of markets and the organization of the sector. The project supports the European project VALUETEAM.

Modification date: 05 July 2023 | Publication date: 02 February 2018 | By: Régis Grateau