Conferences and Workshops

Conferences and Workshops, by year.


Nedoncelle, C.
Soybean exports, market power, and deforestation
Presented at  the Seminar BETA, BETA. Oct 2024, Nancy, France.

Nedoncelle, C.
Foreign Demand, Soy Exports, and Deforestation
Presented at Conférence Annuelle de la Chaire Renel. Chaire Renel, Jun 2024, Metz, France.

Nedoncelle, C.
Soybean exports, market power, and deforestation
Presented at FAERE Annual Congress. FAERE, Sep 2024, Strasbourg, France.



Desbois, D.
Estimations duales des quantiles conditionnels de coûts spécifiques et de marges brutes : application aux régions européennes
Presented at Journées de recherches en sciences sociales 2023, SFER-INRAE-CIRAD, Dec 2023, Paris, France. pp.1-23,
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Fellah-Dehiri, N.;  Masson, M.; Ezan, P.; Gurviez, P.
It takes a school to raise children to Education for Sustainability. International social marketing
Presented at The African Social Marketing Association Conference (AfSMAC 2023), Apr 2023, Johannesburg, South Africa.
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Gésan-Guiziou, G.; Alaphilippe, A.; Aubin,J.; Bockstaller,C.; Boutrou, R.; Buche, P.;  Collet ,C.; Girard , A.; Martinet, V.; Membré ,J.M.; Sabbadin,R.; Thiollet-Scholtus , M.; van Der Werf, H.
Evaluation MultiCritère des Systèmes Agricoles et Alimentaires (EMC-SAgA) Bilan des activités et Poursuites envisagées
Animations transversales INRAE sur l’évaluation multicritères, inrae, Sep 2023, Webinaire, France.
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Harel-Oger, M.; Martin, C.; Marette, S.; Chamberland, J.; Garric, G.
Would a breakthrough cheese technology be accepted by the consumer?
Presented at the ADSA Annual meeting 2023, Ottawa (Canada), 25/05/2023-28/06-2023.

Lantremange, H.; Magrini, M.B.; Frayssignes, J.; Fortun-Lamothe, L.; Lauri, P.E.; Lebret , B.; Le Gouis ,J.; Lullien-Pellerin, V.; Nozières-Petit, M.O.; Saint-Ges, V.; Sebillotte, C.; Tchamitchian, M.; Thiollet-Scholtus, M.; This, P.
Nurturing niche innovations by agrifood value chains in transition to agroecology. A qualitative analysis through eleven case studies in France
Presented at 14. International sustainability transitions conference: responsibility and reflexivity in transitions, Aug 2023, Utrecht, Netherlands
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Louhichi, K.; Merisier, D.
Potential impacts of the Income Stabilisation Tool on farmers' income and crop diversity: a French case study
Presented at the XVII EAAE Congress - Agri-food systems in a changing world: connecting science and society, European Association of Agricultural Economists, 29/08/2023-01/09/2023, Rennes, France

Quérou, N.; Mavi, C.A.
Common pool resource management and risk perceptions
Presented at 10th FAERE annual conference, Sep 2023, Montpellier, France.
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Desbois, D.
Symbolic Clustering Methods Applied to Interval Estimates of Production Cost Quantiles
Méthodes de classification symbolique appliquées aux estimations d'intervalles des quantiles des coûts de production
Presented at the 17th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies(JRSS) – 19-23 July 2022, Porto (Portugal) 2022-07-19 2022.

Desbois, D.
Applying Entropy Criterion to Cost Allocation: an Empirical Analysis of Fertilizer Cost Estimates for European countries
Application du critère d'entropie à la répartition des coûts : une analyse empirique des estimations des coûts des engrais pour les pays européens
Presented at the 7th Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis International Conference and Demographics 2022 Workshop Athènes, Greece 2022-06-07 2022.

Harel-Oger, M. ; Garric, G.; Le Loir, Y.; Soler, L.-G.;S. Marette, S.; Martin C.
Des Fromages Modèles Innovants pour construire la qualité d'un aliment
Seminar SYALSA : Systèmes alimentaires et santé humaine Paris, France 2022-04-05 2022
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Nedoncelle, C.; Bayramoglu, B.; Gozlan, E.; Tarabbia, T.
Are environmental provisions of RTAs effective in mitigating natural resource depletion? Evidence from fisheries
Les provisions environnementales des accords commerciaux sont-elles efficaces face à la disparition des ressources naturelles ? Le cas des pêcheries
Presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Rimini, Italy 2022-06 2022 and at the European Trade Study Group Groningen, Netherlands 2022-09-08 2022



Guyomard, H.; Bureau, J.C.; Chatellier, V.; Detang–Dessendre, C.; Dupraz, P.; Jacquet, F.; Reboud, X;; Requillart, V.; Soler, L.G.; Tysebaert, M.
Green Deal et PAC : quelle compatibilité ?
Présenté au Séminaire de politiques agricoles de la Société Française d'Economie Rurale SFER; 09/03/2021.
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Piet, L.; Chatellier, V.; Laroche–Dupraz, C.; Benoit, M.; Dakpo, K.H.; Delame, N.; Desjeux, Y.; Dupraz, P.; Gillot, M.; Jeanneaux, P.; Ridier, A.; Samson, E.; Veysset, P.; Avril, P.; Beaudouin, C.; Boukhriss , S.
Hétérogénéité, déterminants et trajectoires du revenu des agriculteurs
Présenté à l'Assemblée Générale du CGAAER (Conseil Général de l’Alimentation, de l’Agriculture et des Espaces Ruraux - CGAAER); 02/2021.
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Desbois, D.
Assessment of Soil Erosion by Quantile Estimates for European Regions. Displaying Quantile Estimates of Fertilizer Cost for European Regions
Évaluation de l'érosion des sols par des estimations quantiles pour les régions européennes
Presented at Advances in data sience for big and complex data 2020 (SDA 2020). Paris, 23-24 janvier, Paris, FRA (2020-01-23 - 2020-01-24). 31 p.
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Desbois, D.
Applying Interval Clustering to Quantile Estimates: Empirical Distributions of Fertilizer Cost Estimates for European Countries
Application de la classification par intervalles aux quantiles estimés : distributions empiriques des estimations du coût des engrais pour les pays européens
Presented at SMTDA2020 & Demographics2020 at Barcelone, 2020-06-02 - 2020-06-05. in : BOOK OF ABSTRACTS (DRAFT) SMTDA2020 & Demographics2020, 6th ed.

Desbois, D.
Exploring the distribution of conditional quantiles estimation ranges: an application to the estimation of specific costs of production of pig in the European Union
Exploration de la distribution des intervalles d'estimation des quantiles conditionnels : une application à l'estimation des coûts spécifiques de la production porcine dans l'Union européenne
in :  ASMDA 2019, 18th Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International Conference with Demographics Workshop. ISAST, 2020. pp. 343-371. Isbn : 978-618-5180-33-1
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Nedoncelle, C.
Temperatures, Heterogeneous Exporters and Aggregate
Presented at 17th FAERE Annual Conference, Grenoble (FRA), 10-11-/09/2020.
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Ang, F.; Dakpo, K. H.
Adjusting for greenhouse gas emissions in agricultural productivity analysis: A global perspective
Presented at European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA), Londres, GBR (2019-06-10 - 2019-06-13).

Batista Soares, D.;  Bretto, A.; Priolon, J.
Flows of information have changed: Do financial markets remain efficient ?
Les flux d'information ont évolué: Les marchés financiers sont-ils toujours efficient ?
Presented at 2019 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering & Economics (CIFEr), May 2019, Shenzhen, France. pp.1-8

Dakpo, K. H.; Boussemart, J.-P.; Martinet, V.
Direct and indirect pesticides productivity under different levels of pest pressure and biocontrol: A landscape multi-equation framework
Presented at 93 Annual conference of the AES, Warwick, GBR (2019-04-15 - 2019-04-17).

Dakpo, K. H.; Femenia, F.
Pesticides efficiency of French wheat producers under a stochastic frontier framework
Presented at AAEA Annual meeting, Atlanta, USA (2019-07-21 - 2019-07-23).

Dakpo, K. H.; Latruffe, L.; Desjeux, Y.
Shadow pricing excess nitrogen under a non-parametric multi-equation technology: The case of Field crop plots in France
Presented at 17th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, Calgary, CAN (2019-07-17 - 2019-07-20).

Dakpo, K. H. ; Latruffe, L. ; Orea, L.
Intensive vs extensive dairy production: a distributed-lag latent class model with class persistency pattern
Presented at European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA), Londres, GBR (2019-06-10 - 2019-06-13).

Desbois, D.
Exploring the distribution of conditional quantile estimate ranges: an application to the estimation of specific production costs of pig in the European Union
Explorer la distribution des quantiles conditionnels: une application à l'estimation de coûts de production spécifiques du porc dans l'Union européenne
Presented at Workshop ADVANCES IN DATA SCIENCE FOR BIG AND COMPLEX DATA From data to classes and classes as new statistical units, Paris, FRA (2019-01-10 - 2019-01-11).

Desbois, D.
Application de la classification symbolique à l’estimation des coûts de production agricoles
Application of symbolic clustering to the estimation of agricultural production costs
in: Actes des 26èmes Rencontres, Société Francophone de Classification (SFC), 147 p.
Presented at XXVI-èmes Rencontres de la Société francophone de Classification, Nancy, FRA (2019-09-03 - 2019-09-05). pp. 65-70.

Desbois, D.
Towards the cost assessment of soil erosion
Vers l'évaluation des coûts de l'érosion des sols
Presented at MSC-2019 : 3èmes Journées de Modélisation des Surfaces Continentales, Paris, FRA (2019-11-14 - 2019-11-15). 17 p.
Desbois, D.
Objectifs du développement durable et gouvernance des institutions de recherche : le cas de la fusion de l'Inra et de l’Irstea
Objectives of sustainable development and governance of research institutions: the case of the merger of INRA and Irstea
Presented at Devenir actrices et acteurs d’un monde qui change : Transformer l’éducation et les formations en prenant en compte les Objectifs du Développement Durable (ODD) et les compétences DD, Paris, FRA (2019-07-09 - 2019-07-10).

Desbois, D.; Dayre, P.
Compte-rendu de l'Atelier Environnement Virtuel de Recherche pour la science ouverte
Presented at JNSO 2019 : deuxièmes Journées nationales de la science ouverte, 18-19/11/2019

El Akkari, M. ; Ferchaud, F. ; Strullu, L. ; Perrin , A. ; Drouet, J.-L. ; Jayet, P.-A. ; Gabrielle, B.
Modeling the comparative advantages of two lignocellulosic crops for biofuel production
Presented at General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienne, AUT (2019-04-07 - 2019-04-12).

Femenia, F.; Dakpo, K. H.
Estimating the technical efficiency of damage abatment inputs: an application to pesticides in France
Presented at 2019 AAEA Annual meeting, Atlanta, USA (2019-07-21 - 2019-07-23). 1 p. Poster

Houot, S. ; Resseguier, C. ; Michaud, A. ; Levavasseur, F. ; Albuquerque Monteiro, A. ; Poitrenaud, M. ; Morvan, T. ; Bamière, L. ; Constantin, J. ; Launay, C. ; Schiavo, M. ; Rechauchère, O. ; Pellerin, S.
Potential C storage through the recycling of organic residues: experimental evidence and potential efficiency at the french national scale
Presented at Food security and climate change: 4 per 1000 initiative new tangible global challenges for the soil, Poitiers, FRA (2019-06-17 - 2019-06-20).

Martinet, V.
Que valent les services de l’agriculture urbaine ?
What is the value of the services provides by urban farming ?
Presented at Les rencontres agricoles du Grand Paris : Quand l’agriculture fait respirer la ville. Quels services les espaces agricoles urbains rendent-ils ?, Paris, FRA (2019-03-27 - 2019-03-27).

Martinet, V.
Agriculture Biologique: Vers des paiements pour services environnementaux (?)
Organic farming : Towards payments for environmental services (?)
Presented at Séminaire international de l'Agriculture Biologique, Paris, FRA (2019-06-18 - 2019-06-18). 8 p.

Pellerin, S. ; Bamière, L. ; Constantin, J. ; Launay, C. ; Martin, R. ; Schiavo, M. ; Angers, D. ; Augusto, L. ; Balesdent, J. ; Basile Doelsch, I. ; Bellassen, V. ; Cardinael, R. ; Cécillon, L. ; Ceschia, E. ; Chenu, C. ; Daroussin, J. ; Delacote, P. ;Delame, N., Gastal, F., Graux, A.-I., Guenet, B., Houot, S., Klumpp, K., Letort, E., Martin, M., Mary, B., Menasseri, S., Meziere, D., Mosnier, C., Morvan, T., Roger-Estrade, J., Saint-André, L., Therond, O., Viaud, V., Rechauchère, O., Richard, G
A model-based assessment of the soil C storage potential at the national scale: A case study from France
Presented at Food security and climate change: 4 per 1000 initiative new tangible global challenges for the soil, Poitiers, FRA (2019-06-18 - 2019-06-20).

Poquet, D. ; Ginon, E. ; Chabanet, C. ; Marette, S. ; Issanchou, S. ; Monnery Patris, S.
Who should choose children's mid-afternoon snack: the mothers or their children?
Presented at 43. annual meeting of the British feeding and drinking group (BFDG), Swansea, GBR (2019-04-16 - 2019-04-17).

Poquet, D.; Ginon, E.; Chabanet, C.; Marette, S.; Issanchou, S.; Monnery Patris, S.
Does an intervention based on the pleasure of eating healthy foods could favour a positive relationship between food liking and perceived healthiness in children?
Presented at 13. Pangborn sensory science symposium, Edinburgh, GBR (2019-07-28 - 2019-08-01). 1 p.

Poquet, D.; Ginon, E.; Chabanet, C.; Marette, S.; Issanchou, S.; Monnery Patris, S.
Une intervention au domicile mobilisant différentes dimensions du plaisir alimentaire permet-elle de réduire la charge calorique des goûters consommés par des enfants ?
Presented at Journées Francophones de Nutrition (JFN), Rennes, FRA (2019-11-27 - 2019-11-29). 1 p.

Poret, S. ; Bayramoglu, B.
Interactions between Nutritional and Climate Policies at the International Level
Presented at 24. annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Manchester, GBR (2019-06-26 - 2019-06-29).

Modification date: 15 October 2024 | Publication date: 13 April 2010 | By: Régis Grateau