Seminars 2008

December 9th, 2008
The Efficiency of Voluntary Incentive Policies for Preventing Biodiversity Loss
Andrew J. Plantinga, Oregon State University (co–auteurs David J. Lewis, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Erik Nelson, Stanford University et Stephen Polasky, University of Minnesota)

November 28th, 2008
Is trade of bioenergy good for the environment?
Hélène Ollivier (co–auteur Jean–Marc Bourgeon)

October 24th, 2008
Efficiency of a biofuel subsidy policy in the presence of environmental externalities
Basak Bayramoglu

September 26th, 2008
Spatially explicit farming system modelling for an efficient agri–environmental policy design
Laure Bamière

June 30th, 2008
Préservation de la biodiversité en milieu agricole : quels instruments de politique publique ?
Maia David

June 17th, 2008
Heterogeneity in Voluntary Programs to Food Safety: Theory and Evidence of Overcompliance in the French Import Industry of Fresh Produce
Elodie Rouvière, INRA–MOISA (co–écrit avec Céline Bignebat, INRA–MOISA, et Raphaël Soubeyran, INRA–MOISA)

Commons as insurance: safety nets or poverty traps?
Philippe Delacote (BETA Université Nancy 2)

Management Strategy for Systemics Risk within Insurance Contracts: The Case of Farm’s Crop Insurance
Martial Phélippé–Guinvarc’h, Groupama (co–écrit avec Jean Cordier, Agrocampus Rennes)

May 13th, 2008
Social Preferences and R??lelational Contracting: Some Experimental Results
Brian Roe (Ohio State University)

April 17th, 2008
Why do so few farmers hedge against price risk with either options or futures contracts?
Joël Priolon

March 21th, 2008
Formulas and Flexibilities in Trade Negotiations: The Case of Sensitive Agricultural Products in the WTO
Sébastien Jean (co–auteurs David Laborde et Will Martin)

February 15th, 2008
Agro–Food preferences in the Eu’s GSP scheme: An analysis of changes between 2004 and 2006
Sophie Drogué (co–auteurs Federica DeMaria, University of Calabria, et Alan Matthews ,Trinity College of Dublin)

January 25th, 2008
Régulation et structure de marché
Pierre Fleckinger