Seminars 2006

December 14th, 2006
Environmental regulation and mergers within the eco–industry
Maia David
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November 21th, 2006
Temporal and Spatial Data Mining with Second–Order Hidden Markov Models
Jean–François Mari (Loria–Inria Lorraine)
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November 15th, 2006
Efficient Policy Design for Joint Production of Food and Environment: An Application to Beef and Grassland Biodiversity
Petr Havlik (UMR LAMETA, Montpellier)
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September 25th, 2006
Modèles d’équilibre partiel des marchés agricoles et modèle d’offre : un essai d’intégration
Mélissa Clodic

June 9th, 2006
Killing two birds with one stone: the case of EU biofuel program
David Tréguer

May 23th, 2006
Environmentally-related non-tariff measures and trade (titre provisoire)
Anne Célia Disdier (Lionel Fontagné et Mondher Mimouni, co-authors)

April 25th, 2006
Contribution à une Modélisation de l’Offre et la Demande de Biocarburants. Prise en compte d'une contrainte carbone et sensibilité au prix du pétrole
Frédérick Bernard (doctorant à l'IFP)
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March 28th, 2006
On environmental policy and permitting
Jean-Marc Bourgeon (Philippe Bontems, co-author)

February 21th, 2006
Spatial Disaggregation of Agricultural Production Data: An Econometric Approach using Minimum Cross Entropy
Raja Chakir
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Modification date: 25 July 2023 | Publication date: 20 April 2010 | By: Régis Grateau