Can-Askan Mavi


Can-Askan Mavi
Tel : +33 (0)1 89 10 10 08




UMR Paris-Saclay Applied Economics
22 place de l’Agronomie
CS 20040
91 123 Palaiseau Cedex

Research fields

Risk, adaptation and mitigation policies, environmental and resource economics, sustainable development.


Personal page



List of publications with abstracts, URL or full text generated by "Hal-Inrae" (bibliographic database which lists the publications of INRAE researchers)


Selected publications


Mavi, C.M.
Creative Destruction vs Destructive Destruction : A Schumpeterian Approach for Adaptation and Mitigation
in : Mathematical Social Sciences, (2024), vol. 127, pp.36-53.
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Mavi, C.A.; Zou, B.
Controlling an infectious disease and sustainability: lessons from Hartwick’s Rule
Working paper, (2022). 25 p.
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Mavi, C.A.
Can harmful events be another source of environmental traps?
in : Journal of Mathematical Economics, (2020), vol. 89, pp. 29-46.
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Mavi, C.A.
What can catastrophic events tell us about sustainability?
in : Journal of Mathematical Economics, (2019, vol. 83, pp.70-83
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Mavi, C.A
Abrupt damages and sustainability
in : Revue d’économie politique, (2019), vol. 129, pp. 861 à 875
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Modification date: 11 January 2024 | Publication date: 21 March 2022 | By: Régis Grateau