Christophe Gouel


Tel : +33 (0)1 89 10 09 99




UMR Paris-Saclay Applied Economics
22 place de l’Agronomie
CS 20040
91 123 Palaiseau Cedex

Research fields

Agricultural policies, commodity price dynamics, computational methods, food security, international trade


Personal Page



List of publications with abstracts, URL or full text generated by "Hal-Inrae" (bibliographic database which lists the publications of INRAE researchers)


Policy Contributions Awards 2015 in Honour of Giovanni Anania, approved by the European Association of Agricultural Economists


Selected publications

Gouel, C.; Jean, S.
Love of variety and gains from trade
in : European Economic Review, (2023), art. 104558.
More information

Gaigne, C.; Gouel, C.
Trade in agricultural and food products
in : Handbook of Agricultural Economics, vol. 6, sous la dir. C.B. Barrett, D.R. Just. - Amsterdam : North-Holland, 2022. - pp. 4845-4931.
More information

Makowski, D.; Zelingher, R.; Gouel, C.
Shocks in agricultural production: origins and impacts on commodity price
in : Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security: Need for Combination of Local and Global Approaches, sous la dir. A. Thomas, A. Alpha, A. Barczak, N. Zakhia-Rozis. - Versailles : Quae, 2022. pp. 57-70.
More information

Gouel, Christophe; Laborde, David
The crucial role of domestic and international market-mediated adaptation to climate change
in :  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, (2021), vol. 106, art. 102408. 26 p.
More information

The Value of Public Information in Storable Commodity Markets: Application to the Soybean Market
La valeur de l'information publique dans les marchés de matières premières stockables: Application au marché du soja
in : American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2020), vol. 102, n° 3. pp. 846-865.
More information

Gouel, C. ; Guimbard, H.
Nutrition Transition and the Structure of Global Food Demand
Transition nutritionnelle et structure de la demande alimentaire mondiale
in : American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2019), vol. 101, n° 2. pp. 383-403.
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Gouel, C., Legrand, N.
Estimating the Competitive Storage Model with Trending Commodity Prices
in : Journal of Applied Econometrics, (2017), vol. 32, n° 4. pp. 744-763.
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Gouel, C.
Trade Policy Coordination and Food Price Volatility
in : American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2016), vol. 98, n° 4. pp. 1018-1037.
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Modification date: 14 September 2023 | Publication date: 10 July 2012 | By: Régis Grateau