Jean-Christophe Bureau


Tel : +33 (0)1 89 10 09 91

UMR Paris-Saclay Applied Economics
22 place de l’Agronomie
CS 20040
91 123 Palaiseau Cedex

Research fields

Agricultural policy, international trade, World Trade Organization, modeling, productivity.



List of publications with abstracts, URL or full text generated by "Hal-Inrae" (bibliographic database which lists the publications of INRAE researchers)


Selected publications


Bureau, J.C.
La politique agricole - chapitre 13
in : Les politiques publiques, coordonné par Joseph Salamon. - Paris :La Documentation française. , 2023. 4è éd. Isbn : 9782111577053

Lungarska, A.; Brunelle, T.; Chakir, R.; Jayet, P.A.; Prudhomme, R.; De Cara, S.; Bureau, J.C
Halving mineral nitrogen use in European agriculture: Insights from multi-scale land-use models
in : Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, (2023), vol. 45, n° 3. pp. 1529-1550.
More information



Bureau, J.-C.; Anton, J.
Agricultural Total Factor Productivity and the environment: a guide to emerging best practices in measurement
Paris : OECD, 2022. (OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries; 177). 40 p.
More information

Lungarska, A.; Brunelle, T.; Chakir, R.; Jayet, P.-A.; Prudhomme, R.; De Cara, S.; Bureau, J.-C.
Halving mineral nitrogen use in European agriculture: insights from multi-scale land-use models
Working paper, (2022), 30 p.
More information

Prudhomme, R.; Chakir, R.; Lungarska, A.; Brunelle, T.; Devaraju, N.; de Noblet, N.; Jayet, P.A.; De Cara, S.; Bureau , J.C.
Food, climate and biodiversity: A trilemma of mineral nitrogen use in European agriculture
To be published in : Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, (2022). 29 p.
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Bureau, J.C.
La future politique agricole commune : une douche froide sur le Green Deal
in : AOC Media,



Bellora, C.; Bureau, J.C.; Bayramoglu, B.; Gozlan, E.; Jean, S.
Trade and Biodiversity
Bruxelles: Publications Office of the EU, 2020. (In-Depth Analysis).- 978-92-846-6783-3. 44 p.
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Bureau, J.C.; Guimbard, H.; Jean, S.
Competing liberalizations: tariffs and trade in the twenty-first century
in : Review of World Economics, (2019), vol. 70, n° 1. pp. 3-25.
More information

Bureau, J.-C.; Guimbard, H.; Jean, S.
Agricultural Trade Liberalisation in the 21st Century: Has It Done the Business?
in : Journal of Agricultural Economics, (2019), vol. 70, n° 1. pp. 3-25
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Bureau, J.-C.; Swinnen, J.
EU policies and global food security
in : Global Food Security, (2018), vol. 16. pp. 106-115.
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Modification date: 15 September 2023 | Publication date: 13 April 2010 | By: Olivier Cauchy