Jean-Marc Bourgeon


Tel : +33 (0)1 89 10 09 90


UMR Paris-Saclay Applied Economics
22 place de l’Agronomie
CS 20040
91 123 Palaiseau Cedex

Research fields

Public economics, regulation of agriculture, environmental regulation, contract theory, economics of risk and insurance



List of publications with abstracts, URL or full text generated by "Hal-Inrae" (bibliographic database which lists the publications of INRAE researchers)


Selected publications


Bourgeon, J.-M.; Breuillé, M.-L.
Citizen preferences and the architecture of government
To be publised in : Social Choice and Welfare, (2023).
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Bourgeon, J.-M.
Optimal Green Technology Adoption and Policy Implementation
Working paper, (2022), 53 p.
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Bourgeon, J.-M.; de Sousa, J.; Noir-Luhalwe, A.
Social Distancing and Risk Taking: Evidence from a Team Game Show
Working paper, (2022), 43 p.
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Bourgeon, J.-M.; Breuillé, M.-L.
Citizen preferences and the architecture of government
Working paper, (2021), 48p .
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Bourgeon, J.M.; Picard, P.
Insurance law and incomplete contracts
in : Rand Journal of Economics, (2020), vol. 51, n° 4. pp. 1253-1286.
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Bellora, C.; Bourgeon, J. M.
Food trade and biodiversity effects
in : International Economic Review, (2019), vol. 60, n° 4. pp. 1957-1999.
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Modification date: 25 July 2023 | Publication date: 13 April 2010 | By: Olivier Cauchy