Agustin Perez Barahona


Pérez–Barahona Agustín

In position to Cergy-Pontoise University, Thema unit.

Research fields

Macroeconomics, environmental economics and natural resources, microeconomics, dynamic systems, economic modeling of land use and climate policies.

Personal Page


List of publications with abstracts, URL or full text generated by "Hal-Inrae" (bibliographic database which lists the publications of INRAE researchers)


Selected publications


Brei M.; Perez-Barahona; A.; Strobl, E.
Environmental Pollution and Biodiversity: Light Pollution and Sea Turtles in the Caribbean
in : Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, (2016), vol. 77. pp. 95-116.
More information

Camacho, C.; Perez-Barahona, A.
Land use dynamics and the environment
in : Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, (2015), vol. 52. pp. 96-118.
More information

Goulao, C.;Perez-Barahona, A.
Intergenerational transmission of noncommunicable chronic diseases
in : Journal of Public Economic Theory, (2014), vol. 16, n° 3. pp. 467-490.
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Perez-Baharona, A.
Nonrenewable energy resources as input for physical capital accumulation: a new approach
in : Macroecnomic Dynamics, (2011), vol. 15, n° 1. pp. 1-30.
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Mariani F., Pérez–Barahona A, Raffin, N.
Life expectancy and the environment
Espérance de vie et environnement
in : Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, (2010), vol. 34, n° 4. pp. 798-815.
More information

Pérez–Barahona, A.
Non–renewable energy resources as input for physical capital accumulation: A new approach
Ressources énergétiques non-renouvelables comme facteur de production dans l’accumulation de capital physique : une nouvelle approche
in : Macroeconomic Dynamics, à paraître.
More information

Pérez–Barahona A. ; Zou, B.
A comparative study of energy saving technical progress in a Vintage Capital Model
in : Resource and Energy Economics, (2006), vol. 28, n° 2. pp 181–191.
More information

Pérez–Barahona, A. ; Zou, B.
Energy saving technological progress in a vintage capital model
in : Economic Model ling of Climate Change and Energy Policies. Miguel C., Labandeira X. and Manzano B. (eds). Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2006. pp. 166–179.

Modification date: 28 July 2023 | Publication date: 13 April 2010 | By: Olivier Cauchy