
Alessandro Sforza: March, 2nd 2021

Tuesday, March 2nd 2021, 11h a.m.- Videoconference

Alessandro Sforza (University of Bologna & CESifo) will present "The Weather Effect: estimating the effect of voter turnout on electoral outcomes in Italy"

Abstract :

This paper examines the effect of variation in voter turnout to electoral outcomes in Italy. I use data on spatial distribution of turnout for 2008 and 2013 to examine how it can affect differences in electoral outcomes. Exploiting the exogenous variation in weather conditions across municipalities I use rainfalls to instrument for turnout levels: if non-voters systematically differ from habitual voters in terms of their characteristics or preferences, the effect of turnout on the electoral outcome can generate "extreme" outcomes. I find that bad weather decreases turnout and that a higher turnout favours the Movimento 5 Stelle, while both the Democrats and the Centre are negatively affected.

See also

Modification date: 05 July 2023 | Publication date: 22 February 2021 | By: Régis Grateau