
Florence Puech (RITM - Université Paris-Saclay) : February, 15th 2022

Tuesday, February 15th 2022

Florence Puech (RITM - Université Paris-Saclay) will present "Hétérogénéité spatiale ou diversité spatiale ? Une approche unifiée pour évaluer la biodiversité", joint with Eric Marcon (AgroParisTech).



To evaluate biodiversity, different indicators exist such as Shannon's, Simpson's or wealth indices. These indicators make it possible to characterize biodiversity from an external point of view because they divide the territory into different exclusive zones. In an urban environment, they can be used to evaluate the biodiversity of green spaces or cemeteries for example. In this work, we propose a complementary approach allowing, this time, to characterize biodiversity from an internal point of view, as perceived by an observer around him. For this, a new approach of space is considered, without zoning, and a new family of indicators is introduced, the spatially explicit measures. The latter make it possible to link biodiversity to the spatial concentration of species. An application on trees in Paris is proposed to illustrate the method.

Modification date: 05 July 2023 | Publication date: 10 February 2022 | By: Régis Grateau