
Nathalie Delame : Revenus agricoles et non agricoles des agriculteurs de 2003 à 2016

Farm income and non-farm income of farmers from 2003 to 2016

The border between private and professional spheres is still difficult to draw today for income and assets of farm households. In the corporate forms, the land heritage is often held by the partners and the development of non-farm activities on the farm, manage resources declared sometimes as agricultural profits, sometimes as commercial profits. Integrating off-farm income into the analysis of farmer income makes sense and also remains a challenge, given the available data. This text proposes an original method, based on match between the Farm Agricultural Data Network (FADN) and tax data to follow, farm and non-farm income, of farmers working on a medium or large-scale farm, from 2003 to 2016. These data highlight the impact of variations in farm income on the average overall income of households. The additional salaries, for the households which are concerned, provide a “mattress effect”, which is all the more useful for households declaring negative income six or seven times between 2010 and 2016.


Reference :

Nathalie Delame
Revenus agricoles et non agricoles des agriculteurs de 2003 à 2016
in : Economie rurale, (2021), n° 378. pp. 77-95

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Modification date: 05 July 2023 | Publication date: 11 January 2022 | By: Régis Grateau