
Laurent Piet, Vincent Chatellier, Nathalie Delame, Yann Desjeux, Philippe Jeanneaux, Catherine Laroche-Dupraz, Aude Ridier, Patrick Veysset : Hétérogénéité, déterminants et soutien du revenu des agriculteurs français

The article describes the main results of the Agr'Income research, funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and conducted in 2019 by the UMR SMART-LERECO (INRAE), which aimed to analyze French farmers' income in terms of composition, level, dispersion, evolution and distribution. It begins with a review of the different definitions of the concept of "farm income" and the indicators and sources usually used to characterize and quantify it. The diversity of French farmers' incomes is then described in as much detail as possible, from the perspective of measuring inequalities in the economic results of farms, from the perspective of the link between the level of income and the economic and financial performance of farms, and finally from the perspective of the share of farm income in the overall income of farm households. The distribution of productivity gains generated by agricultural activity between upstream and downstream actors is then analyzed, as well as the trade-offs between immediate remuneration of work and deferred remuneration in the form of asset accumulation. Finally, the results obtained make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of certain income support instruments, defined within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy, in terms of convergence and redistribution of aid. They also make it possible to study the extent to which this type of support is consistent with the simultaneous pursuit of environmental objectives.


Reference :

Piet,L.; Chatellier, V.; Delame, N.; Desjeux, Y.; Jeanneaux, P.; Laroche-Dupraz,C.; Ridier, A.; Veysset, P.
Hétérogénéité, déterminants et soutien du revenu des agriculteurs français
in : Notes et Etudes Socio-Economiques, (2021), n° 49. pp. 5-40.

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Modification date: 05 July 2023 | Publication date: 08 November 2021 | By: Régis Grateau