
José De Sousa (Panthéon-Assas)

Tueday, December 12th 2023

José De Sousa (Panthéon-Assas) will present “Delivering Us from Crime? Online Platforms, Gig Jobs, and Offending”, joint with Hugo Allouard, Grazia Cecere, Olivier Marie and Inès Picard.

Abstract :

We investigate the impact of food-delivery platforms on local economies and crime rates in France. Using the temporal and geographic variation in the deployment of these platforms across cities, our research adopts a staggered difference-in-differences approach to analyze how the gig economy reshapes urban socio-economic dynamics. Preliminary results indicate that the entry of these platforms in employment zones correlates with an increase in the number of registered deliverers and a reduction in drug-related cases, with no significant impact on theft-related crimes.