Our Publications

J.-M.Blazy; J.Subervie; J.Paul; F.Causeret; L.Guindé; S.Moulla; A.Thomas; J.Sierra : Ex-ante assessment of the cost-effectiveness of public policies to sequester carbon in soils

Soil organic carbon stocks have been declining for more than a century, mostly in the tropics. Maintaining soil organic matter is critical to tackling climate change and controlling soil health. One way to address this problem is to encourage farmers to improve soil carbon on their farms. We provide an ex-ante assessment of the cost-effectiveness of innovative Agri-Environmental Measures (AEM) that subsidize the use of compost. To do so, we ran a choice experiment in Guadeloupe, in the northeastern Caribbean, where there is an urgent need to preserve soil organic matter levels.


Reference :

J.-M.Blazy; J.Subervie; J.Paul; F.Causeret; L.Guindé; S.Moulla; A.Thomas; J.Sierra
Ex-ante assessment of the cost-effectiveness of public policies to sequester carbon in soils
in : Ecological Economics, (2021), vol. 190, art. 107213. 10 p.

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Modification date: 05 July 2023 | Publication date: 07 September 2021 | By: Régis Grateau