A new web site for Oqali

The French Food Observatory (Oqali) has just launched a new version of its website, more attractive and intuitive, with a reworked visual identity.

For the past 14 years, Oqali has been pursuing its mission to monitor the overall food supply of processed products on the French market by measuring the evolution of nutritional quality (nutritional composition and labelling information).

After several months of work, the new Oqali website is operational.

This new website facilitates access to the resources produced by the Observatory and offers a simplified and intuitive navigation.
From the homepage, you have access to different sections to learn more about Oqali, its news, its various publications (studies by food category, on the monitoring of the Nutri-Score...), its database as well as the actions carried out at the European level around this system.

The major innovation on the website : easier access to Oqali data

On the occasion of the redesign of its website, Oqali has set up a new online tool to consult its data more easily, while respecting the partnership operating charter. You will thus be able to find, by product reference, a large part of the information available on the packaging of processed food products present on the French market (nutritional composition, ingredients, etc.). This database is structured by food category, each of them being collected on a regular basis in order to follow the evolution of the offer over time (thus, not all food categories are collected in the same year and the information made available corresponds to the products available on the market at a given moment).

This new tool allows users to browse the Oqali database, to search for products, to filter the results by food category and by product family and to export the database in part or in its entirety, depending on the search made.

The data made available via the Oqali website are available in OpenData.
The Oqali data for research are available on project from the Odalim website.

Modification date: 05 July 2023 | Publication date: 05 April 2022 | By: Régis Grateau