International Conference: Innovation and climate change governance

Paris, May 19-20, 2022 Paris

Organized by Basak Bayramoglu (INRAE-PSAE), Guy Meunier (INRAE-PSAE), and Jean-Pierre Ponssard (CNRS-IP Paris), for the Energy and Prosperity Chair, the international conference Innovation and climate change governance aims to improve our understanding of the interaction between climate and innovation policies in this multi-layer governance landscape by bringing together scholars in economics working on innovation policies, multilateral agreements, and sectoral climate policies.

It will take place on May 19 and 20, 2022, at Inrae, 147 re de l'Université, Paris 75007.



Modification date: 05 July 2023 | Publication date: 22 March 2022 | By: Régis Grateau